NEISD - Community Education

Take Off!

The Possibilities are Endless.

Youth & Teen Classes - Elementary Spanish 1 (Ages 5 - 12)

Students will learn the basics of conversational Spanish through games, songs, stories, and more! This 15-week introductory online course is self-paced and includes lifetime access to revisit lessons taught by the owner and founder of Sarah's Spanish School, Ms. Sarah. Students will have access to two to three 30-45 minute classes per week as they discuss topics such as introductions/greetings, feelings, colors, days of the week, months, counting, age, likes/dislikes, the alphabet, weather, seasons, sports, and more! PDF printable worksheets, quizzes with answer keys, vocabulary lists, flashcards, and games will be available to reinforce the topics of discussion. Also, students can enjoy bonus cooking classes, craft classes, and more all at their leisure! The tuition fee covers lifetime access for the whole family. Instructions for accessing the lessons will be emailed by the instructor prior to the first class meeting.